Sunday, July 31, 2011

Happy Sunday

Hi All,
Things have been going up and down for me. I am having major chronic GVHD and having to go to Vandy every week for treatments to help. The treatments are Photo pherysis (sp) - every week two times during that week and a treatment takes about 4 hours. They take my blood out with a 17 gage needle - yeah that is a BIG BITCH ! let me tell you .... then once the blood is out in this machine it goes into these honey comb looking things and once they all full they close the lid and zap the blood with UV rays and they put blood back in my body and it will help with my major side affects I am having.

The affects are skin is super tight and getting tighter and keeps pulling and pulling my skin - it hurts and is very uncomfortable. My eyes are also killing me with pain and soreness.

Well that all for now will write more every week again.

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