Sunday, July 5, 2009

Sunday Day 138

Happy Fourth of July - to ALL - A special shout out to our Military Men and Woman - Thank you so much for what you do.

Very low key fourth of July for us here in Birmingham, AL.
My Last PET scan on June 26 was CLEAN - NO CANCER

I am doing very well feeling very well. I am eating like crazy now so that is a good thing.
Working is going just fine been working pretty full days - so I need to watch that a little as my energy might slowly fad away since I am tapering off the steroid.
I haven't started playing Racquetball yet as the Dr wanted me to wait since my Blood thinner level is high. I am ok with that.

Looks like might get some Rain today to cool things off a little.
My next Dr appointment is set for Friday July 17th just blood work and a visit - no other tests. Hopefully after this one we will go to every 4 weeks - he has had me on every 3 weeks since the Graft VS. Host Rash I had.

Hope all is well with everyone


  1. Hey my FRIEND,

    Happy July the 5th. Pretty much low key around here on the 4th. also. Rain set in last night (first time in over 2 and a 1/2 weeks. Looks like we will get more of the same today also.

    Glad to hear that you are eating better now. Especially since I know how much you enjoy it. He! He!. Time will come soon enough for you to kick some a-- on the walls buddy, so just take it easy.

    Happy birthday to your DAD.

    What the ---- Your bro passing under the finish line at 10 hours and something? What all did he compete in. Was it a one day event?

    You take care of yourself and enjoy the rest of the weekend.

    Love you DUDE!

  2. Yeah for you! Clean - that is awesome news Steve! I can only imagine how happy you and your family are right now.
