Sunday, March 28, 2010

Sunday Day 404

Well Happy Sunday all

Well it was a hell of a week last week - My girls came home Sunday night and I picked them up from the airport - and while doing so I started having a serve pain in my left chest. Stacy drove home - I had no idea what was going on felt like a heart attack - so we called 911.
They took me to the hospital and the long night began for my poor Stacy who just spent 2 days traveling to come home and my mom who was in town to go to that Nashville appointment I had last Monday, which of coarse didn't make. Well it wasn't a heart attack turned out to be pleurisy, which From Mayo clinic "is inflammation of the lining of the lungs and chest (thepleura) that leads to chest pain (usually sharp) when you take a breath or cough. The main symptom of pleurisy is pain - and boy did I have that.
So once I got to to hospital and they doped me up real good I mean real good.
I got out on Wednesday and been basically in bed since then. I just spent a little bit talking to Stacy to get all the details for Monday and Tuesday as I was pretty unclear what went on. BIG TIME LOVE TO My WIFE STACY and my MOM for spending long hours at the hospital.
I am not 100% but certainly better. I still have some antibiotics to finish taken.
Well not sure what this week will be like. I am still on liquid diet and soft foods more from the teeth thing I think than this.

Well hopefully next weeks post will be much less action - if you will.
Have a good week all.

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